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Fish Finder Visors

Sun / Spray Sheilds for Fish Finder Screens

Reduce screen glare in bright light and improve clarity, reduce spray, reduce operating temperature in the sun and save battery with a BerleyPro Visor for your fish finder! Benefits of using a visor for your fish finder include:

BerleyPro Fish Finder Visor Benefits

Visors for Lowrance Fish Finders

Visors for Garmin Fish Finders

Visors for Raymarine Fish Finders

BerleyPro Visor for Raymarine Dragonfly 4/5

BerleyPro Visor for Raymarine Dragonfly 4/5

Price: £44.95 (RRP £49.95 - Saving £5.00)

BerleyPro Visor for Raymarine Dragonfly 7

BerleyPro Visor for Raymarine Dragonfly 7

Price: £52.95 (RRP £58.95 - Saving £6.00)

We sell visors for all popular models of fish finders. If you cannot find your model of fish finder listed above, please Contact Us and we can let you know if a visor is available for your model.